Did you know an estimated 90% of people with a cycle end up seeking care for perimenopause related symptoms?

This small group program gives you the tools to thrive during perimenopause & menopause!

Topics covered include: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management and community.

What is The Six Month Reset?

Community-based care to help you feel your best and

meet your personal health goals!

This 6 month, intimate group is 100% online, so you can join us from wherever you are! Each month focuses on foundational health topics with science and tips to improve daily habits.

Community boosts accountability and creates supportive friendships in your health journey!


Month 1: Adding In

Month one is all about adding things in! We focus on adding in water, dietary fiber and protein and review tools to optimize your nutrition, gut microbiome and mental and physical health.


Month 2: Exercise

Audit and optimize current movement routines and patterns.


Month 3: Sleep

Evaluate sleep habits and make a plan to improve sleep hygiene and energy.


Month 4: Label Reading

Learn about the importance of label reading, and tricky ingredients to look out for to promote your best health!


Month 5: Stress Management + Community

Examine stress and prescribe strategies for stress management, nervous system regulation, and social health and wellness.


Month 6: Create Your Individualized Plan

Set up a 1:1 consultation with Dr. Kailee (DPT) to set up your individualized health plan!


Meetings + Schedule

Zoom meetings: Tuesdays 6-7:30pm EST


September 26th

October 10th*

October 24th

November 7th*

November 21st

December 12th*
January 9th
January 23rd*
February 6th
February 20th*

Final Group Check In

1:1 Session to Create an

Individualized Plan

*Q&A sessions, 45 minutes

Course Materials

A $2918 Value

  • 24 recipe cards (including breakfast, lunch and dinners for each phase of your cycle) ($50 value)

  • Label reading basics worksheet ($50 value)

  • Pantry staples list ($50 value)

  • Stress management strategies worksheet ($50 value)

  • Recommended free workout resources ($20 value)

  • Collection of summarized peer-reviewed resources for each monthly topic ($599 value)

  • Monthly group calls ($1200 value)

  • Monthly Q&A sessions ($600 value)

  • 1 hour 1:1 online-wellness appointment to create long term goals ($299 value)

We also offer specialized support groups for PCOS & uterine fibroids & heavy menstrual cycles.

Uterine Fibroids &

Heavy Periods

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


Virtual Wellness

Looking for 1:1 support?